This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dusting Off

After being discouraged about my career for too long, I finally went to talk to a boss that can really help me! I'm not sure why I waited so long, but I'm glad I went!

My direct boss isn't very good at the "development of people" thing. Unfortunately, he is from the school of thought where, if you help someone or even given them good direction you are hurting yourself. I really cannot stand that thought pattern.

Even though, this boss didn't have a definite direction for me, he did have tons of good ideas about the training I can be doing! I love love love training! I enjoy learning new and "getting-it"!

My heart ached when I told this boss, I feel stagnate! I don't like just going through the motions, I don't enjoy the same day-to-day, I enjoy a challenge! I have been know to call my fellow co-workers to see if I can help them with anything!

Good thing is I am dusted off and out of my corner! Bad thing is, I'm not really sure where exactly I'm going, I do know I am headed out again! I'm just so thankful for learning more new things and building on the knowledge that I have!

It was really a tough decision to go see my boss, above my boss, but I am so thankful I did!

of course the day after I went, I derailed a locomotive, TWICE!!!

Time to blow the "stink-off"!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I give you credit for going to talk to the higher up. Sometimes it helps. You are a valuable worker to be so willing to help others. I use to work for a shipping company and we had rails in our yard and I remember the hassle in having a derailment. It shuts down things for a long time. chin up! You are still doing a great job!
