This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Find 2 lose 1, Find 1 Lose 2.........

When the kiddos were little, I remember the line
"I find two and lose 1 and then I find 1 and lose 2"
This is the line I have used ever since I have had 3 kiddos!!!!
I'm finding, that as they get older, the scenario is the same!
I get two at home and one needs to be picked up, but in the process I pick up one and drop off two!
I pick up two and drop off 1!
I never have more than two at home at the same time!
I miss them, I like them, ahem, I LOVE THEM!!!
They need lots and lots of direction!
I find that I discipline and correct, far more than I laugh, play and joke with them.
I'm doing something right!  Right?
I hope and I want to do it ALL right!
The pick-up and the drop-off prove to be a great place to chat with my kiddos!  It's a place to  get in touch with them, I use it, enjoy it, I take the time to train, I use it for discipline and I use it for REAL heart-to-heart truth talk!
I'm one that believes I need to listen to my kiddos, I really need to hear them, whether I like it or not!  They need to trust me, so that they can always tell me the truth.......good or bad, right or wrong!
Most days, when I get the "I lost two and found 1" thingy going on, I find, I'm hearing straight truth from that 1.  I don't always like what that one is telling me and I don't always agree......depending on the kiddo, is how I handle each of these!
I am finding as they get older, UGH! They need way more listening and understanding...........and the discipline needs to be more and more strict!  They are closer to being on their own than on me and I need to insure they are prepared!
My words come back to me and I thought I would not be saying this by still stands..................
I find 2, I lose 1, I find 1, I lose 2!!!

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