This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Training and signing

In case your wondering the kids had a great second day.

I had an interesting day, the best way to train on a new job. Our hostlers put a locomotive on the ground, derailed, first thing this morning. Because of the rain there were tracks washed out in Wisconsin on Sunday night. They have now repaired that or rerouted the trains (not sure) and we are getting all the locomotives we were expecting Monday and Tuesday. Lots of moving around and making up consist to get trains out on time. I saw frustration in the faces of the gentlemen I am training with. They still trained even through it all. When I was in commuter service a derailment is even more stressful!!!!!!! We have to get trains out, there are thousands waiting on trains to pick them up and take them home to those that love them!! We need to run on time!!!! If this would have happened in the commuter service I would have been home late, around 8pm or so, but it happened in freight and I went home on time, yea!!! Still stressful, but not the same stress we rescheduled a couple trains and pulled the other engines away and found other engines to work and it was fine. Talk about learning in the midst!!

So neat for me, God has been so faithful in this new career choice of mine. I have went from not knowing 1 THING about the railroad to having a good understanding! I am putting things together. It is so awesome to recall from your memory something that didn't make sense earlier and does later...........WOW.............

Off to do my homework for the kids school and sign my name and sign my name and sign my nammmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... you get what I mean all these papers that come home from school and we as parents need to sign. I spent all Tuesday evening, Wednesday evening and tonight just reading and signing!!!

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