I was listening to my XM Radio at work just the other night! Yes, instead of the "jam box", I bring my own radio and hook it up to the puter and it helps me to relax! I mostly listen to comedy, but I love to "bounce" around!
Back to the "real" post! This lil' John Pinette bit came on while I was working! I had to stop and just listen!
before I knew it, I was no longer listening and laughing at John Pinette, but I could hear Mitchy at about the age of 2 saying "get outta the line"!! Oh ya, just like the video here! I remember it clearly!
It was a Thursday night and we heard it on the way home from church! I had been having a rough time at church at this time! See I am very close to my kids and if I am around, I AM available, TOTALLY and I don't make apologies for it!!! My kids were never "forced" into the nursery at church! Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with this practice, but I do and always have and always will! None of my kids cared to go to the nursery when they were young and that was never a problem for ME!! Or my husband, when he would go with me to church! It was a problem for others, oh ya, this is where it starts to suck!!
Anyway, that night had been, yet another night of my "why did I even bother"! And someone came to ask me to leave the sanctuary!! Asking a mom who takes her small children, by herself, to church, to leave the sanctuary, because he may have made a noise, is the worse thing you can do to a mom who is really trying to keep up with the "picture"! I was sitting in the back and he wasn't crying!!!! He was restless, not making noise but moving around! Yet again, I was asked to leave the sanctuary! There was no "cry room" with a monitor to see what was going on in the sanctuary and quite honestly no where to go, but to walk the halls and wait for my other two children, who were just tooooo doggone tired to be there, to get out of there classes! This is the night I realized, it just was too much and those I thought "heard my heart" were not the ones at my home crying with me as my heart ached! My husband and my children were the ones listening to my reality!! My friend, that didn't go to church with me, totally held me up while I cried and hurt desperately!!
BITTER SWEET!! YEP! Absolutely, that's what this memory is!
But the good part of this memory!! Really there is a good part!!
I took the older two children out of class early, for our last mid-week service!! Not planned, but sooooo right on! We got in the car and I turned on the XM and all of us laughed out loud at this lil' bit! It was crazy funny that night and the kids enjoyed it right along with me! A beautiful memory, right in the midst of my turmoil! (you ever had one of those crying heartbreaking moments where you honestly laughed? that was this moment)! I felt I had lost it, in a good way!
Of course, as I laid in my bed and held my Mitchy close and listened to him say "get outta the line" just like John Pinette! This lil' guy, only 2, had no idea how much healing was going on in my heart as we enjoyed that laugh together! He kept saying it over and over and I just laughed and laughed with him, such a big belly laugh and he giggled and laughed that innocent 2 year old giggle laugh! The beauty of that moment will never get away from my heart!
On a cute note: Mitchy heard me download this video and brought me his DSI with a SC card, "mom can you download that on here for me"!! That's just another one of our beautiful moments shared in laughter!
Yet another lesson learned, through my family, the HARD way! I love them and I want to teach them, but somehow they keep teaching me!
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