This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A tag.........

I have been tagged by Mimi's Toes
7 Things You Don't Know About Me
I am going to try and be creative, but what could I have possibly not told you........after telling you that I was in a circus and I haven't shaved in 3 years.........this took tons of thinking. Here goes:

1. I really do not like to shower at night, no matter how yucky I am. But when I do I feeeeeeeeeeeel so much better!!

2. Grounding is my main sort of punishment right now, for all children! It tends to make me feel as though the point has been made!! To be honest, I can't paddle the oldest to make a difference, he has no feeling in his behind. The youngest thinks it is funny and it makes him giggle and it is just tooo tough for baby girl, she is so tender!!

3. I love watching people play poker!! I like it most in real life when my hubby plays, I actually find it is relaxing for me!!

4. I was totally involved in the planning of my first two children, they were conceived a bit faster than I planned, but that was such a relief, I was scared so I gave us time!! I was doing all the right things not to have another child, and we found ourselves pregnant!! Doc says, birth control is only 99% effective and it happens more than we could imagine!! How scary! How awesome is that, I didn't plan him and I can't imagine our lives without our baby boy!!

5. I totally stink at this housekeeping thing!! I could tell you every other day, it was clean yesterday, but it may not have been!! I really want our house to stay nice all the time, but I am not willing to sacrifice; sanity, sleep, marriage, love of children and love of hubby in order to keep it constant clean, or picked up!! There are many days where I will welcome you in my home and I will have to call children to put away their folded clothes in order for you to have a place to sit!!

Ok now I am struggling, thinking thinking thinking, what do I tell you that I haven't told you.......

6. I cannot stand talking about periods!! I don't like knowing when others have it and do not like telling other people when mine is! Is that weird, should I be more comfortable with that? I wasn't even comfortable with talking about it when I was younger! Weird? yes yes I know

7. I went to college in Providence, Rhode Island and did my externship in South Carolina, on Hilton Head Island!! My plans were to stay on there....after all, the boyfriend I had was only supposed to be for a moment!! That all changed, when the boyfriend I had came to Hilton Head Island for a visit and proposed!! I am so happy he did, I would have been so lonely on Hilton Head Island (the beauty, I am sure, would have worn off) and tooo career focused, and I would not have been able to blog (things yo don't know about me) #2 ever, nor would there have been a reason for me to start blogging, my life would have been so different and so unfulfilled!! Thanks for Proposing Larry, I will still take you over Hilton Head Island today!!

PS A visit to Hilton Head Island would be nice though!!!

Now I get to tag:
I so want to know more about these ladies...........I hope they bring it!!!


  1. Thanks a lot, Chrissy. I will need to think before playing tag this round. My brain is mush from only two days back to work. What a wimp am I?? It's only Tuesday (this said whilst whining and crying!)

  2. Chrissy, you totally make me laugh!

  3. Oh My! Pressure!
    I'm on it, but have I mentioned that I am the most blah-blah-uninteresting-blah-blah-boring person you will ever meet in your life???

  4. nice to meet you, and to get to know ya a little through your meme.
    I will be doing this one too becasue I was tagged by mimi's toes, whom I've known personally for years.
    I will probably wait til Saturday though, as I have a Throwback Thursday first.

  5. yaaaaaaaaaayeeee....I'm gonna play this weekend. ;)
