This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


We are currently moving and it is on-going. It is taking a lot of time and since I did not take any time off of work, it is taking a little longer than usual!!!!

We are about 80% moved, we still have a few things to come! We are plugging away at it!

Kids are in new schools and the transition was smoooooth! It was amazing and peaceful! Kids all have teachers that are working well with them and understand the move is a little difficult! They are giving us room and helping us with learning the changes!! Adam came home from school and for the first time in months, didn't have a headache from a noisy class!!! What a relief!

No work yet on the interview for the position I wanted.

Thank you to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday! Yes, it is true, I am a year younger!!! I just wish I would grow up instead of out!!!!!!! My goals for this year have not been all achieved, however, long term goals have! I'll share more later!

Thanks so much to everyone for your well wishing! Thank you even more for your prayers, and please continue! I can tell you that God has really answered our prayers and continues to, who else would have made this such a smooth transition!


  1. Sounds like things are "moving" right along! It's great that the kids are adjusting to the new schools. That is a blessing in itself. Praying that the other 20% will go as smooth.

  2. Just think how nice it will be when it's done! I'm glad the kids had an easy time with the switch. I'm wondering how mine will do when the time comes.

  3. Glad to hear it's going so well, lady.

  4. When you get all moved in, you'll have to post more pictures of that beautiful new house! I'm so happy for you guys!

  5. Happy Birthday sorry I'm late.

    Glad to hear you're moving right along.

  6. Moving is NO fun. But, it will be so great in the end. Can't wait to see more pics of your gorgeous home!!!

  7. I gave you an award for Excellent blog.
