Better late than never!! Polly is my cousin, a wife to John, mommy to Leo and moooooooooooom to Jordan!! To add to that she is also a student, a nurse, a long-term dog-sitter (at what point do you decide the dog is yours and you are not sitting 1yr or 2, 3..). She is a very amazing "29" year old woman. She is constantly busy and doing and caring for everyone but herself. I could not imagine doing everything she is doing and still having energy to chase Leo or deal with a 15 year old girl!! How does she do it? I really couldn't tell you. I can tell you that she spent the first 12 years of her daughter's life raising her by herself and doing a fine job!! I can tell you that she waited until the right man came along before she chose to marry! She is an amazing beautiful young woman who keeps going and has dreams and desires and attains them!!
What a beautiful tribute! Happy Birthday to Polly..Yeah!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post, Chrissy! Reading what you write makes me want to be around you :-)
Talk about an age span.....WOW!
ReplyDeleteHi-5's to Polly!