So, I'm totally freakin' out! I've been planning my 20 year high school reunion with about eight other girls! It's been in the process for about 1 year and 10 months! Might I add, that this is our FIRST REUNION EVER!! We have finally reached 100 guests and I am amazed! This has to go well! It has to go right! The "STUFF" isn't done yet! I have so much more to do, to make it right!! I'm totally excited, I'm totally stressed!! It's going to happen, done or undone! This is where the "rubber meets the road"! I decide what's important enough to stress about and what's not important enough, so I can let go of it!
Classmates get together (we have a place)
They have an ice-breaker (We have speech's, memorabilia, and a bar)
We have worked very hard
there are over 75 classmates showing up!!!
I'm excited and so are the rest of the girls on the committee! (I think our support groups are too)!
Doesn't matter!! We've covered the important. Anything else is "over the top"!
The part that bother's be most:
We haven't been able to contact everyone! (no changing that) We've worked hard at finding everyone and have made every effort! (gotta let it go, but it's still gonna bother me)!!
Thanks for letting me share, because I have been able to remind myself of what's important!
I feel your enthusiasm. Sounds like you have everything covered...Maybe you will be surprised and people you haven't heard from will find out through the grapevine. It will all come together, so relax!