This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Always Remember

I remember where I was on 9-11-01
I was at church, just finished up exercise and I had my kiddos with me!  I had just picked them up from the childcare.  I had Mitchy in his stroller and Adam and Windy were right at my side!  I heard

someone say that we were under attack. I called my husband Grabbed my kiddos and headed toward HOME!
The kids and I arrived home, turned on the television and watched in horror and sadness.

Larbo came home from work and we continued to watch the news all day long!  We stayed home and close to each other as a family!  We prayed for the people who were in the midst of the attacks, we prayed for it to stop and we thanked God for one another and our friends and family!  We prayed for people we didn't even know their names, but we prayed!
I felt a sense of pride in the US!  People were coming together helping others, they didn't even know!  The USA became more UNITED!

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