This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm A Faucet.....

Ya'll, it's gotta stop!!

I thought that even I, would have a point where my tears dried up.  
I guess I'm wrong, I'm a stinkin' faucet!  
I can't mak'em stop, 
so could y'all stop blessing me  
stop being so sweet 
just be mean to me for a minute
I've got to get my act together!
(there's no crying on the rr)!!
I don't think I've made one trip to work this week without tears 
I haven't worked one shift without tears streaming down my face at some point!
and it's not because I miss my sister..
it's because you all love her and me so much
It's because your memories are so beautiful
it's because I never once felt alone this week
It's because I have been blessed abundantly-------honestly, more than I could have ever imagined!! 
I need to put make-up on, I haven't worn any in over a week (so NOT like me to go to work without any)


I'm just kidding!!
Thanks to everyone for your time and your prayers, thoughts, hugs, love and memories.  I never imagined ever feeling so blessed in my life! 
Thank you all SOOO much! 

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