One thing that came to my mind and truly touched my heart while walking with the kids was the "sense of community" that was displayed and has been displayed each year, I can remember it from my childhood. It is the only time of the year when all the kids or most of the kids and their families come out of their houses at the same time for a short period. As you walk along the streets or hand out candy to all the trick-or-treaters it is a time to catch up with other families, a quick hello or a smile and a nod and what about meeting the new neighbors! This is the only time of year something like this takes place!
It is funny that this year I walked and most years I hand out candy so I saw the other side of it this year. I was amazed and truly blessed by the time spent with my community! The time when I would walk with someone for a while and chat and watch the kids and compliment on their costumes or try to figure out who it was or say hello to the one handing out candy and then move on to the next group and walk with them for a minute and catch up or when I met the new neighbor that I didn't even know moved in or the Grandmas and Grandpas that live in the neighborhood who just wanted to hear a child laugh and run and enjoy them even for a split second! It was a moment of belonging to my neighborhood or part of a community and celebrating community with them! I am one those who will not trick-or-treat in other neighborhoods, we go in our own or to Grandma and Papaw's (where my husband grew up) because it is a time to celebrate life and children with my own community!
Now, I have always allowed my children to trick-or-treat, I have never stopped them and they always enjoy it! There have been years where I have been "beat-up" for allowing my family to join in this thing! I never felt Halloween or trick-or-treating was wrong, I loved it when I was a kid and still love it now! Most years I even dress up. There have been a couple years where I actually missed trick-or-treat in my neighborhood, because of other commitments, but my children never have! I am not sure what all the "hoopla" is over why or why not let kids trick-or-treat. You know, I don't really even enjoy the scary part of Halloween or the blood and guts of it, but some do and for them it is ok, I am not going to tell them how wrong they are for doing it because I don't like it or don't understand why they like it!! This Halloween thing is very normal for me and when I was ridiculed for allowing my family to "celebrate" (GASP) it really didn't make sense, all it did do, was hurt my feelings, because to others that don't like it, I was hurting my children. I remember my son actually said to me (5 yrs ago) "I heard Halloween was the devil's Birthday". I had to back him up and explain to him how it wasn't and we were not "bad people" because we enjoy this! Talk about hurt, as a mom, when my child is hurt, I hurt more!That all being said, there is definitely a time and a place for everything, I would have never stood up in the middle of a church that preaches against Halloween and say forget family fun night let's go trick or treating, or I am not going to help with that on Halloween, and I wouldn't put it in front of one of my friends who really doesn't like it, I really just wouldn't talk about it, it isn't nice!
If this post did hurt your feelings, that isn't what it was meant for, it was to enlighten on my type of thinking and I don't believe it is right for all!! If it changed the way you think of me, "GET OVER IT" I am still the same person I have been!!
To sum it up, what is right for me may not be right for you or vise versa, but don't beat up on me because I make a different choice!
Halloween in California for my family has always been a gathering of cousins, children, spouses and we all go out trick or treating, walking, and laughing. Some or our fondest memories are from the Halloween season. I had to go to a meeting on Halloween night this year, my husband went out with the dog and loved being with the community. Thanks for the article. -Holly
ReplyDeleteWe had to be part of the whole "family fun night" before we started having children- so it was no big deal. But, it was a strict rule with some that Halloween would not be celebrated (as you know). Fortunately, by the time my kids were old enough to get that there was a difference, we were out of there and in a position where we felt free to choose.
ReplyDeleteThis post didn't offend me at all. Thanks for sharing!
Some take it to the extreme and that is to bad your son was hurt from it, but you are now free from all that now.
ReplyDeleteSome of us see the good in all things not the bad.
I once heard it preached - why give glory to you know who by saying the name. When you can give glory to the Lord. Only see the good in things and praise it.
You said it all...I agree with you. It's what you make out of it. Some of the only times I see some friends with their children is that night. Now they are grand-parents with their grand-children. It should be a fun, safe night, however you decide to celebrate.
ReplyDeleteOur family set our own limits, but we allow our children to trick or treat and be with their friends. I have no problem with it. It's what your family teaches and sets.
ReplyDeleteAnyone should be able to choose without judgement.
Chrissy, I totally felt the same way you're describing in regards to the sense of community. You put that so well. I got to greet and talk to so many people from my neighborhood who were walking around all out at the same time....that never happens any other night! I felt very condemned in the past for not having the same convictions as my church....that it is an evil night, so stay away. My husband and I have discussed it every year and thus far we are comfortable with our own decisions. We do have our own boundaries as Lori said. Craig knew all along that I was trying to change my ways to please someone else..not because it was my own conviction.
ReplyDeleteGood post on a touchy topic :-)