This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Friday, May 7, 2010

This One's Personal......

Another celebration, they come in groups, don't they? I think so! Ya's Bday, Papaw's Bday, Mother's Day and
Our Anniversary!
16 years ago I walked down the aisle to meet my best friend and partner for life!
The vows meant so much to say and living them is beyond words!

I love that I am still in love with him and fall deeper in love with him daily!
I'm blessed daily by the marriage God gave me!
16 God be the glory, without Him, we wouldn't have made it one hour, oh my goodness we wouldn't have said those vows!
He is in the middle and on the left and on the right and always on His Throne and always available and ready!
Thank You Jesus for a wonderful marriage of 16 years, I pray you continue to hold your hand upon us and carry our marriage and our family! I have been abundantly blessed in my marriage and my guy is such a great guy and all I can ask, is that God continues to bless us!


  1. Happy Anniversary! There aren't many blessings that God can give us that mean as much as a happy marriage. May God bless you with many more happy, healthy years together! :)

  2. Happy Anniversary! I can't get over how much your older son looks like your husband. And your daughter looks like you. Yes, God is good! Happy Mother's Day! too!
