This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It has been a good week...

Started out with following a Sandhill Crane that came to visit us......

He really is in there way out there in the hole you see in the brush. Mitch and I got up every morning on the weekend and searched for him, a couple of times we tried to get closer to take a better picture and we would scare him away, so we admired from afar. Sandhill Cranes migrate through this area both fall and spring more information here!

I was able to send in some pictures to his class, He had fun with that. He was able to lay the pictures out at the back of the classroom for his classmates to take their time looking at them. I was able to visit Mitchell's classroom and tell them about my "job". I think both Mitch and I enjoyed it! I was able, with help from a friend, to let them try on some of the safety "stuff" we use every day on the railroad. We passed around pictures and what was supposed to be 10 minutes turned into an hour!! Fun for both of us.

Yaya continues to find her way and where she wants to belong! I hear her talk about a couple of certain friends and the fun she has on the playground. She tells me that on some days her and about four or five friends, both girls and boys, play football. Funny, I never dreamed of Ya's going out and throwing around a football, but she does and she sounds like she enjoys the fun she has. I don't think it is something she would enjoy being structured, like a football team, but the fun in just running, and playing, maybe tackling!! Every time she tells me about it she smiles, I love that!!

Adam is struggling in school. An F on his interim report has really got us fired up, but because of that report, it opened more and different discussion between myself, Larry and him. He has a plan and seems to be working to make that plan happen. Then his Homeroom teacher called to inform us that Adam is also meeting with him and his teachers to see what and how they can help him. So with everyone on board, including Adam, maybe we will see change and maybe we will figure out what and who can help, if anyone! I know the change from child to young adult was hard, but I really thought it was supposed to be easier for boys. It doesn't seem to be easier, just a bit different. His belief of trust in us as parents is going through a huge change and finding out where that line is between, child/adult, and where he fits in, again!!! This time is a huge challenge for all of us. How much leeway is not enough and how much is too much! What is right for one child isn't right for another. This is tough, as a parent. I can't compare my childhood to his because it is so different and my husband can't compare either. We have to raise him as his own! I know I love him and don't want to steer him wrong, but I also know I love him and want to steer and guide him right!! Wow, this stuff is tough!

They really do grow up far to fast.


  1. Pictures of wildlife are harder than you would think, aren't they. Glad you got some that could be taken to school. They love show and tell don't they? (Is it still called that?) :)

    In my opinion, when parents stay interested in how their children are doing in school, the child has alot better chance of straightening things out because they feel supported. Good job, Mom and Dad.
