This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thankful for Christmas Time

I was able to celebrate Christmas with my extended family on the 26th. I really enjoy catching up and finding out how and what everyone is doing!! It has become somewhat of a tradition to have Christmas breakfast with my cousins. We were short a few members this year and I was feeling a little sad about that, it was kind of a tugging the whole day! I really enjoyed when the kids began ripping through there presents and since they are all a little older now, it did not require all of us parents to remind them to say thank you, they did it on there own. So the ripping and they thank youing was a cool sound to hear for a few minutes, a short few minutes.

I also enjoyed the short time I had with my husband, kids and my mom and dad on Christmas morning! Then it was on to make the money!! I was reviewing the pictures my husband took on Christmas Eve and Day and it was just now that I realized how much I really missed working on the holidays, these are not days that I get to chose to work or not to, so I guess I'll be ok! Listening to the kids stories of what happened is really neat too! They really really had a good time this year! I like to believe they were truly thankful for their gifts, but this year they all bought gifts for one another and for mommy and daddy and it was so sweet to watch them, they couldn't wait to give each other gifts!!

Even Buddy, our big black lab, or indoor horse, got a gift (he does every year). This year my husband unwrapped Buddy's gift for him and called him in to give it to him and he took the entire stocking, that was rawhide, and filled with other gifts, and would not put it down or let any of us take it from him to open it!! We finally had to let him outside with the whole thing!! He did bring it back in and allow me to take the treats out of it and began enjoying immediately!! He is a character!!

The big hit this year, for the kids, was the Nintendo DS's they received three of them, one from each Grandparent and they are supposed to share them, turns out they all now have their own!! And plenty of games, they also really like these remote control helicopters but I did find more of the men playing with them than the children! And we did have to get them off the roof more than a couple of times!!

This little guy had a great time and loved all of the gifts he opened and really enjoyed chasing all the older kids around!! He surprised me when he couldn't wait to put on his new Croc Boots, sent by his Auntie Shane and her family!!! I just had to snap a shot!! Next to him are his boots he has been wearing and he likes what he likes!! It was so much fun watching the kids and I really enjoyed it!

I was so thankful to be able to celebrate with family in some way this year, even though, better late than never!!


  1. Love the boots! That is the color of my Crocs. Glad to hear you and your family had a nice Christmas. I'll call you later to set a time next week for breakfast.

  2. Your daughter looks like a mini you! Glad to see you guys had a great Christmas.

  3. What great pictures. I'm loving those croc boots...I might have to find some for my lil munchkin. Happy NY to you and yours!!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the boots. Didnt know crocs made boots! Every year I always think I want to do one of those color coordinated trees, but its just not a christmas tree without the kids touch and homemade ornaments!

  5. CROC BOOTS -- very cool! Have the same color in the Cayman.

