This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Everyone Drive Carefully..

Saturday night it took me 2.5 hours to drive home from work, it usually takes 45 min. to 1 hour! I was so impressed at how courteous the other driver's were. I heard one of my co-workers complain about how rude the other driver's were and how they laid on their horns. I am happy to say, I did not experience any of this. Everyone drove careful and slow, a bit more cautious than I expected! I did still have white knuckles by the time I returned home, to shovel my way into the drive! Sometimes, Chicago drivers do all right, and in my opinion, on Saturday night after a hefty snow storm and plow trucks not being able to keep up, I was so happy to have made it home in one piece, it was amazing!! Tonight was also crazy, once that sun goes down, everything freezes make it impossible to drive correctly. I watched cars spin around right in front of me, so it took me a little to get home!

Anyway, everyone please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeease be very careful on the roads, leave in plenty of time and remember that arriving late is great as long as you arrive! Slow down and enjoy the season!!!!!!!!!!!

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