This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Please Don't Let This Pass!

I was preparing our Thanksgiving dinner and left a large pot of stock on the stove to simmer down, while I went to get dressed for the festivities!
Everything was going PERFECT!!!  (First alarm)
Turkey was yummy, mashed potatoes and green bean casserole were getting warm!  I re-seasoned the stuffing so it would be to our standards and I put the Sweet Potato casserole in the microwave, ready to heat!
As I was getting ready, specifically, showering and just putting on my make-up (uh-hum still in my undergarments)
I heard the smoke alarms sounding and not just the battery operated ones, the hard-wired smoke detectors (I promise I have 10 smoke detectors in my house, 3 hard-wired and the rest added by the previous owners), I began to run down the stairs, hubby handed me a robe from the bathroom (my daughter's pink robe, that I wrapped around myself) and I ran down the stairs to find my kitchen glowing ORANGE!!
My stock had overflowed and  caught my kitchen on fire!
I sent the kiddos outside to dial 9-1-1 (important to say exactly that and not the fire department or emergency)!
I ran upstairs to get some clothes on
and then met my kiddos outside to wait for the fire department!
Hubby put the fire out and the fire department showed up, just after!
As we greeted them, because we know most of them, they continued to take over our house!
I consoled each one of our kiddos as they "freaked out" individually, in their own time!
and We all realized what blessings we have in front of us!
We celebrated Thanksgiving, at my in-laws home and thanked God for all his blessings!
We returned home to house full of soot and smoke and stink and a kitchen demolished!  All we could do was thank God for our blessings and that
As a family.........
Sunday night.............
we came HOME.....from celebrating Thanksgiving with a loving family.........
and laid our heads on pillows,
that wreaked of smoke.................
and all I could do was...................
Thank God for family and the love we share..........
and Secondly, I thanked Him we were home!!!!!!
smoke filled, soot dirty, stinky, no kitchen, tear filled........HOME!!!
Third, my mind turned toward the fire fighters that arrived and saved my home, made us safe, consoled myself and my family and even made us laugh in the midst of my anguish!
I have so much to be thankful for and I'm lucky enough to be thankful in my home at the address He has given me, with the same phone number He has blessed me with!
Yes, this mess will soon pass.......but I pray, our thankfulness that has come upon us, this day, will NOT PASS!  This kind of thankfulness should be there daily!
I think it is, I think it just takes a polish it off and bring it to the for-front and lose the junk that bogs it down!
I pray this kind of thankfulness stays around!!!  PLEASE DON'T LET THIS PASS!


  1. That's quite a Thanksgiving! One you'll always remember for sure. Glad everyone is safe and well, and I hope your kitchen is repaired soon.

  2. Chrissy -- You have such a great way of honoring God in everything you write and do -- even when you have a fire! You are a very special person, who I am proud to know and call friend. :)
