This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Often WOW is the only term I can use or anyone at work can use to describe the situation or the statement or what is to come next.

I use the term WOW to describe being gone, for work training, from my family for 2, two, TWO weeks. It is a great experience for me but I don't believe you can even begin to imagine the hurt in my heart that is happening. I really am enjoying getting to know the other Supervisors in my company, but WOW, the amount of missing my family is absolutely horrific!

Also, I haven't told you, but FIL has been back in the hospital, for about two weeks now. His Kidney, the only one he has, is not functioning properly. I had hoped and prayed that it would begin to function as it should and as God has created it to, once they had removed the blockage. Much to my dismay it has not begun to function as it should. Yea, you can imagine, WOW! We have and continue to believe and pray for the most amazing outcome, and I can beat up on myself and I can beat up on God for this happening to such an amazing, God fearing, father, grandfather, father-in-law, brother, friend, and so many more things to so many more people, but this is the reality of it. He is going to have to have his ONE working kidney removed and live life with treatments of dialysis. I don't know why and I don't know what the reason could ever possibly be. I do know that as we all go through this with him we will just all trust that God does know the why's and the how's and we will be content in that. I will continue to pray and ask questions of God. That is just me! Please, pray with me for my FIL. Pray that all is well directed and designed. That God is the Conductor in all of this. Please also pray for the rest of my family who will continue to ask the why's and the how's.

Thank you


  1. Chrissy -- I am saying a prayer right now for your FIL and for you and your family. So much going on, and then your work too. WOW is a good word.

    May God draw you especially close during this hard time.

  2. Wow is right! A lot is going on, but you're doing the right thing by taking it all to God. I'll be praying.

  3. I will be in prayer for your FIL too. I know we don't understand these things, but God knows. I pray also for your work situation. I know what you mean about missing your family. So much is going on, but stay strong.

  4. Hey your back up. Good! I've been checking off and on and wondering if you were ever going to come back???

    Glad you are back up and running.

    Sounds like a lot has been going on.

  5. OH sweetheart. I'm so sorry you're all going through this. Prayers in route for your FIL and many many virtual hugs!!!!!
