This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Monday, April 28, 2008

I love being.........

A Mom, a Wife and a friend, there is nothing better! I so love it, my heart overflows!
Another great weekend! Started out with a baseball game for Adam, first one, that was cancelled because of the weather. Friday night there was horrible lightning and tornado watches in the area! I love where we are playing ball now! The parents care so much and make sure that the kids have the best of the best, without spoiling, just giving them a chance to play sports and giving them better than our generation had! All families out there cheering them on! I LOVE IT! Ok, in this picture he is not-so-much happy, but in his defense, his game was just cancelled!
I am not the "all together Mom" I want to be. We all missed Adam's second game because I didn't have a schedule to go by! OOOppps, slips on that one! Sorry!

We did make it to Mitchell's opener on Saturday (where I found out we missed Adam's game earlier). I loved watching him have fun and play ball and enjoy being with the other boys! It was ohh so cold and I needed to sleep, but watching Mitchell have fun was MORE THAN ENOUGH! Then on Sunday we enjoyed a cookout in the cold! With so many loving friends and their
children! What a perfect weekend! All I can think of is that song: Your gonna miss this! Oh and yes I am gonna miss this, later, not now, I am watching and enjoying every moment of it right now!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The unmatched white sox

For years, I have done the laundry and the cleaning, pretty much, by myself. But, over the past couple years, hubby has really joined in. I can tell you, truthfully, that I do less cleaning and laundry than him!! My schedule is crazy and I work all shifts, in the same week, yes, midnights, afternoons and days all in the same week, ughhh!! Tonight I am trying to stay awake, just a bit longer so I can nap during the day, and still not miss Adam's first baseball game of the season!

Alright, alright, to the point. I walk in this evening to be greeted by more than just a dog and four people sleeping very well, hubby waited up. He helped unload the groceries and put them away while I ate and walked the dog (something I look forward to). After all that, I heard the dryer, "ding-ding, ding-ding to hear my hubby reply "all the laundry is done, and we don't have to do any laundry over the weekend, all the baskets are empty!" I go on about my business, checking email and blogs and hubby goes on watching TV! I then go to the dryer and empty it and open the washer, OhHH, it really is the last load, it is done, right now! So, I empty and fold and look down at another basket, it is full of socks! I say "oh yeah, you don't fold socks!" Hubby replies, "I mated my own, but no!" So I continue to fold the clothes from the dryer and then move on to the socks. I now find socks, relaxing to mate, except at the end when I find the "leftovers" the ones that didn't mate and I remember the last time I mated I also had "leftovers" and I need to go get those.

But, I see a bloggy moment. How much my life has changed. From being burdened by that last load of laundry, because I know, that in less than twelve hours someone will change and POOF moooooore laundry and the socks are never totally mated! To now, let me mate these and get the other basket and match those and than throw the unmatched in the garbage!!!!!!

HA! Laundry has an end point, or not, I changed clothes, sorry hubby!!!
My life has completely changed!
And if you don't believe how fast your babies grow up right in front of you, you have another thing coming. My babies are, technically, no longer babies, they are children and preteens and almost teenagers!
One thing that hasn't changed, is those unmatched, unmated, WHITE SOCKS!!

you know what I mean!?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Here she goes, for REAL!!!

PB&J boats is in labor and we need to be praying!! quick, safe, healthy, good delivery with an awesome recovery.

Monday, April 21, 2008

More weird and Random about who? OH, Me!!

Amy over at My Wonderful Men tagged me for seven weird and random things about me.

But I already told you:

what could possibly be left!!! Ha Ha, this is easy, peasy!

2. I never watch scary movies! I have never seen any Jaws movies, never any Chainsaw Massacre movie and never any Friday the 13th movies and never saw Halloween. I have never liked them, I don't like the uptight feeling I get while watching!

3. I enjoy going out to dinner and/or a movie all alone!

4. I hate my toenails being even slightly long! I like them as nubs and clip them as soon as they start to grow!

5. Our dryer, at the old house, was vented by the front door and we are constantly doing laundry (like everyone else in the US with children) so when you walked up to our front door, there was the smell of fabric softener and clean clothes that greeted you! I miss that!

6. I wish I would have let people touch my stomach when I was pregnant. I see what they were looking for! I don't miss being pregnant, I just wish I would have shared more!

7. I love a fire at night! If it is with a large group of people, just our family, just me and hubby, I love to watch the fire! I have been known to light a fire by myself!!!

This was fun and easy! Just what you wanted more crazy, weird, random facts about me!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Since the Move

I have noticed changes since we have moved.
Remember how scared and nervous I was to move?
Now, I walk the dog around our property every evening I am home. I would have never done this in the neighborhood. I just enjoy the quiet time and seeing the wide open night sky. Sometimes, I can convince a kid or two to go with me and once in a while I am accompanied by hubby. I think twice they have all joined me!
Now, if I am home in the morning, I walk the younger kids out to meet their bus and yes the dog comes too!
Now, I laugh a little more and my shoulders are coming down from my ears!
I will tell you, I miss my neighbors! I miss walking across the street to have a cup of coffee or a sit on the front porch with neighbors. I miss that community I had. I love where I am, but it is different.
The kids have changed too. They play outside waaaaay more often, even when it is frigid! I have shared with you quite a few of their changes. School is coming along and friends are being made. They are all enjoying most of the changes!
Most everything has gone well, a few glitches in the road, but mostly GOOD!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It was time for a change

Just a small one, but it looks more springy, don't you think.
I have sure enjoyed my time off with the family, tomorrow it is over, so one more night at home without worrying about where I need to be!
PB&J Boats is in labor, keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers please.
Off to enjoy, I'll post pics soon!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I am looking forward to having a long weekend! I haven't had time off besides my short rest days for 4 months now! I am so thankful for the people I work with and the willingness to cover for me in order to have time off. It is hard for me to believe, but they do understand, even though they are all men, how important it is for me to be a wife and mommy! I am so thankful.

There is a ton on my mind. I can't even completely organize my thoughts. I hate it when I am like that, but I do know that if I take it slow and solve one issue at a time, pretty soon I'll be back to feeling less stressed!

Report cards are coming out. The kids took the change well but their grades took a hit. This school was a little ahead of where we were. So I am being slightly lenient this time on the report cards. Change is hard. The teachers have all been good to the kids. Several of Adam's teachers even offer free tutoring, before and after school, that is so great, he will be taking more advantage of this opportunity. Then the guidance counselor introduced me to this online service where I can check on Adam's grades and homework assignments and tests and upcoming events daily and the teachers are very good about updating! Yes, I love this! Windy started taking Spanish after school once a week and she is really enjoying it, and taking the time to meet a few new friends.

Mitchell had a major melt down, his grades are good and we thought he was making friends quickly, however he really misses his buddy that moved to California the same time we made our move! He was Mitchey's best friend and Mitch doesn't have tons of friends just a couple close ones. On Sunday he told me how badly he missed his buddy and I had no idea (I knew he missed him, but not like this)! He used the whole "My life is horrible" and then fell into an all out sob. Thank God for friends I have met up with again, because I called her immediately and set up a play date! I met this friend about 7 or 8 years ago and we went to church together for quite a while and now her boy is in Mitch's class, how perfect! Make friends pumpkin!! So he has had a couple play dates already and seems to be perking up and chiming in, YES!!!!

I continue to work on different projects at work in order to be ready when it comes time for a promotion! My boss that helped me get started is now retired! He helped me a ton, gave me projects to do that he knew would be seen by the higher-ups and spoke well of me to others! It is awesome to have someone on your side, now what!?

Off to enjoy a great weekend, rain or SHINE!

Monday, April 7, 2008


I saw, I felt it, did you? I think it might have been a glimpse of real springy weather.

We tried to invite over friends for a cookout, but last minute plans don't usually work with kids and neither do Sunday night plans! So we had a cookout and a fire and some toy riding with just us!

It was fun and enjoyable to watch everyone have fun!
I had some fun too! But I did discover that I am the only one without my own motorized toy! Do you see a problem? Yes, I know I see it too! I pointed out to Larry that I need my own and my toy is NOT, NOT going to be the tractor!!

Someone had to get some work done while we were partying! I am so thankful someone is diligent in the search for cleanliness!