This is just an outlet for me, to be able to get my thoughts out! I am a Woman, Wife and Mommy that also works outside the home! Just me trying to make it all work for the best for my family and myself! Just my journey!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Aunt Peach

Just this past week Aunt Peach passed away. This is my husband's aunt and I took her as my Aunt immediately, she accepted me in the family, just as everyone else did. Right now, I just want to use this blog time to celebrate her life and the way I "saw" Aunt Peach.

I didn't know Aunt Peach's real name, Sharon, for quite some time. Actually, I thought, GG was creative in naming her! I know I sent out the Wedding invitations and one went to someone named Sharon and I recognized the last name, but I still didn't put it together! Peach fit her well! That is her name, that is how everyone recalls her!

Aunt Peach would always meet you with a smile and a hug. She usually had a cigarette in one hand and a drink, sometimes beer, sometimes pop in the other, but it didn't stop her from giving me a great hug!

She was an amazing woman that has made an impact on so many lives including mine! She was always hospitable! No matter, when I showed up at her home, with hubby, without hubby, with children or without children I never felt as though I was imposing, but always welcome! She honestly loved! Peach didn't "conform" she lived life her own way, she loved her own way and she was a friend, a sister, an aunt, a daughter, a grandma or b-mom and mom her own way! I admire that in her, she didn't do what others thought she should, she did as her heart lead! Amazing, kind, loving, caring, compassionate, tell-it-like-it-is, welcoming, helpful, creative, humble, passionate, I can go on and on and I will! Peach had an accent all her own, not only in her speech but an accent on life all her own! Peach always had something to laugh about and wanted you to laugh with her, she had an awesome laugh and an awesome outlook, she wanted you to laugh out loud along with her, you coudn't help but to laugh with her! Peach's laugh could penetrate even the toughest of hearts! Her laughter was contagious, I think she knew it! Peach loved even to the last minute. I heard GG say, she asked me "did I hurt you, did I hurt anyone?" she wanted to make sure she left her love behind and nothing less and nothing different only her love! What an awesome legacy she left, it was that of LOVE and not just the way you say it, she did it (that is the legacy I want to leave, that of love)! Peach "DID" love, she lived it, and showed it! Not everyone always agreed with her, but all knew they were loved by her. I must say I was truly honored to even have met Peach, but then to be able to say she was Aunt Peach, I wouldn't have missed it for the world!
My heart hurts because I didn't get my chance to tell her all of this. At the same point, my heart is at peace, because I know she knew, she accepted me as I was and loved me for me, the same as she did for everyone! Not everyone understood her, but all her family knew they were loved, honestly, by her! To be loved honestly is better than just to be loved! Aunt Peach taught me that! I love you Aunt Peachy and I miss you, I am so sorry I didn't make it to see you in the recent past, but I am so honored to have just met you and even more honored to have been able to love you and be HONESTLY LOVED by You!

Aunt Peach will be honestly missed, I hope we all learn to "HONESTLY LOVE"!
As Aunt Peach did!
Aunt Peach is and was an honest blessing! Thank you Lord for bringing her in my life, and Lord help me through this, help our family through this!


  1. So sorry for your family's loss. Aunt Peach sounds amazing! How lucky to have been blessed to have such a life force as part of your family.

  2. Chrissy so sorry for your families loss. She sounds like a wonder person.
    I'll keep you all in thoughts and prayer.

  3. What a nice tribute, Chrissy. Remember, she's not totally gone as long as memories of her live on in others.

  4. Sorry for your loss. It is nice that you got to be part of each others lives.

  5. Aunt Peach sounds really cool. I'm really sorry about your family's loss.
